A daily frustration new clients tell us about is the constant calls and letters from creditors. No matter how often you tell creditors, “I do not have the money,” or “I will pay you as soon as I can,” they continue to call and contact you.
It’s never okay for creditors or debt collectors to harass you over missed payments. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was enacted by Congress to protect your rights under these very circumstances. You have many options when confronting harassment from debt collectors.
So how do you stop creditor harassment?
Send a written Cease Communications Letter. This does not absolve you of debt, but it can stop creditor harassment. Generally speaking, federal law says that debt collectors must stop contacting you after they get a written request to stop contacting you. Debt collectors can, however, contact you to tell you that they won’t contact you again, or to notify you that they or the creditor could take other action (for example, filing a lawsuit against you).
You also can file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Harassing debt collectors can get in trouble for using unlawful tactics. If you believe a debt collector is harassing you, you can submit a complaint with the (CFPB) online or by calling (855) 411-CFPB (2372). You can also contact the Attorney General of Texas.
When you retain an attorney to handle your debt lawsuit or debt negotiations, the banks and credit card companies will deal directly with the law firm. When we start the debt resolution process, there is no reason to ever talk to your creditors again. We will handle all communications.
Wiley Legal, PLLC is committed to defending clients against unfair debt collection practices. We explain and protect your rights while we work with the bank and credit card companies to negotiate a debt resolution that fits your needs. There are many federal regulations designed to help you fight a debt lawsuit that we will use to help you win. If you are being harassed, our legal team can fight on your behalf. Call us at 281-891-3750 for more information.